Broken Elbow

553 days ago

Jon Sopel on #Pelosigate- a warning that the 5th wave of #TrumpDerangementSyndrome is upon us

I think it might be an impending thrashing for the Democrats in the mid terms a week tomorrow which will see both the House and the Senate switch to the GOP., which has prompted the 5th wave of RDS among the media elite.There is certainly a new wave of the pandemic for which there is no known cure but which appears to be linked to long term exposure to the Guardian, CNN or the BBC.. I refer to #TrumpDerangementSyndrome. Poor ex BBC staffer Jon Sopel, has yet again gone down with the syndrome as you can see below. He blames an attack on the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Donald Trump.The facts? They do not matter if like poor Jon you suffer from TDS.


2215 days ago

The smoking gun emerges that proves that lying terrorist scum Gerry Adams was in the IRA

For as long as I can remember Saint Gerry of West Belfast has insisted that he was a peace loving politician leading up Sinn Fein. You and I have known that this was a lie and that the blood soaked old murderer was also in the IRA. The liberal British and American media, and the Republican movement, has been complicity in allowing the bearded monster to pedal the man of peace lie. But a fellow high profile Fenian has let the cat out of the bag and now provided proof that Adams was indeed an IRA man.
